Haroshi the Layered Skateboard Sculptor
Every now and then, we meet a quirky yet talented artist whose works find their niche in the hearts of people who appreciate a certain slice-of-life in their artworks. Let's take a look at the works of someone who makes use of a medium very unique to the world of art. These are the works of Haroshi, the skateboarding sculptor from the heart of Tokyo. His meticulously carved creations are colorfully created by the process of stacking old skateboard decks together to create a carvable mass, which he then contours to mimic his original subject's look.
Haroshi's pop art sculptures have melted the hearts of younger generations in Japan, simply because he was able to connect with their sense of playfulness and joviality. Many of his creations embody subjects that are cartoonish or game-like, often resembling characters that have a familiar animated appearance to the most beloved ones seen by kids in the city.
His portfolio of works also extends to deeper subjects of influence, such as anatomies in gesture. Some certain works can be considered provocative or rebellious in nature, due to the subject matter they concern, but to most, he is simply a youthful artisan who has found his own originality in the craft of wood carving. Not many think of using such a curious medium, but he certainly seems to have a knack for popular culture and its desires.
Sculptures by Japanese Artist Haroshi